Measuring sizes, weights, volumes, etc. is a very important human activity. Although we dont explicitly realise, measuring any quantity comprises of a lot of concepts and ideas. The process of measurement and the measuring instruments involve ideas like precision, accuracy, least count and instrument range. In this unit, students will develop a deeper understanding of these measurement concepts by performing various measuring activities.
Desired prerequisite: Estimation
Task 1: Eraser, sharpener, book, matchbox, and other objects having a cuboidal shape (such as a matchbox or a book).
Task 2: Easily available measuring instruments. geometry box (compass box), wristwatch, stopwatch, thermometers (laboratory and clinical), syringes (without needles), measuring cylinder, etc.
Task 3: Bob (any small yet heavy object can be used as a bob. eg. eraser), thread, stand, stopwatch (mobile), ruler.
Task 5: Cardsheet paper/ cardboard, footscale, pencil, glue, sticky tape.